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On the 8th Day of Christmas…
On the 8th Day of Christmas, 8DC gave to me… 10% off all orders. All orders from December 8th until the 8th Day of Christmas (January 1st) will receive 10% off listed prices when you use coupon code 8DCXMAS (all caps) during checkout.
Warriors Baseball 2010
Custom hand drawn T-shirt designed and produced by the 8th Day for the North Huron Warriors baseball team. Sublimated on november white American BackCountry T’s from Vapor Apparel.
Michigan Handcrafters Guild
The Michigan Handcrafters Guild promotes the work of Michigan craftsman, woodworkers, and artists. They seek to provide working space, equipment, and materials to those who are in financial need and assist member artists in developing or improving their own successful business models. They are committed to showing the value of, and promoting the benefits of [...]
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